Frequently Asked Questions

Young woman receptionist
Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions below and a list of helpful links you may need as a student at Seafield School of English. If you have a question that is not covered below, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly, using the buttons above.
Quick links:

International Students

If I am still learning online, do I need to attend all of my classes?
Yes. You are required to attend and participate in all the online activities as per your class schedule. Your attendance will be marked daily. If you are sick or cannot make it to class, please contact your tutor or student support at your earliest convenience. Low attendance rate can trigger the withdrawal process.

The Student Support team at Seafield can help assist you with applying for insurance or help with any insurance questions you may have. You can contact the Seafield Student Support team here.

Your first point of contact is your tutor or the Student Support team. Should your issue be a technical one, you will be directed to Seafield’s IT support team. If you are experiencing academic issues or learning difficulties, your tutor can assist you or direct you to our academic support team to help.

You can contact your tutor through the available communication channels online, such as Microsoft Teams, Emails, WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook or Kakao Talk.

For any other non-emergency issues, please contact respectively or get in touch with us through any of the social media channels available to you.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to us. Our Student Support team is available 24/7. If you are experiencing any issues during your studies, we have Grievance Procedures in place to help all our students. You can find more information on our website and around campuses.

If you meet the application criteria of Provider Direct Student Visa, you are able to apply for an extended visa through Seafield. The criteria is listed as below:

1. 95% Attendance rate or above, and;
2. 75% Passing rate or above

Yes. You can enrol for up to 12 weeks in Seafield’s General English Programme on your temporary visa.
No. Seafield has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) environment and students are expected to own a laptop or computer that meets a specific requirement before they start the programme. It is not recommended to use a phone, or tablet to attend the classes and complete the assessments due to the limitation of the devices. You can find more information in the Student Handbook.
Please advise your tutor or student support immediately about your situation. You need to have a functioning device to enable you to study online. We will assess your situation and guide you through the process of exploring your options to procure a device.

It is necessary to have Internet access so that you are able to engage in learning.

There are some low-cost options to consider including Skinny Jump, Two Degrees, Spark and One New Zealand.

Withdrawing from your programme will extend the amount of time it takes to complete your studies, meaning you may need to extend your visa and prepare for more living costs. Withdrawing from study now may also affect your eligibility for student visa or living costs in the future. Staying enrolled is the best way for you to stay on track with your studies and complete your programme or qualification.

Our emergency contact number is 021 658 220 which is a 24/7 contact number.

For any other non-emergency issues, please contact respectively or get in touch with us through any of the social media channels available to you.

Your tutor who was previously teaching you face to face at campus will continue to teach you online. Should your tutor not be able to teach your class for any reasons, a reliever tutor will teach that class instead.
You can contact your tutor through the available communication channels online, such as Canvas, Emails, Whats app, We chat, Facebook or Kakao Talk.For any other non-emergency issues, please contact or get in touch with us through any of the social media channels available to you.
Yes. According to Immigration NZ’s recent announcement, any international students who has a current part-time employment in the healthcare/supermarket sector can work more than 20 hours per week for the period of 30 days. However, you will still need to meet the study requirements of your programme.

Keeping yourself free from stress and anxiety is key in helping you get through this difficult period. Please talk to student support and your Tutor on how you are feeling so we can help you through the process. For professional support with anxiety, distress or mental well-being, you can call or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

  • The Depression Helpline (0800 111 757)
  • Healthline (0800 611 116)
  • Lifeline (0800 543 354)
  • Samaritans (0800 726 666)
  • Youthline (0800 376 633)
  • Alcohol Drug Helpline (0800 787 797)
  • Asian Family Services (AFS) provides professional, confidential, nationwide face-to-face or telephone support to Asians living in New Zealand. They are a not for profit organisation whose qualified counsellors who provide free, professional and confidential support for people who speak Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai and Hindi languages. Asian Helpline on 0800 862 342*.

Asian Family Services (AFS) provides professional, confidential, nationwide face-to-face or telephone support to Asians living in New Zealand. They are a not-for-profit organisation whose qualified counsellors provide free, professional and confidential support for people who speak Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai and Hindi languages. Asian Helpline on 0800 862 342*. The helpline is available from Monday to Friday at 9am – 8pm.

The emergency number for New Zealand is 111. You can reach NZ emergency services on this number such as, the Police, Fire Service and the Ambulance. The emergency number is available 24/7 and free to dial anywhere in NZ.

At Seafield School of English, we have a Career Services team dedicated to helping you find employment or a career pathway. Please visit our Careers Services Page for more information.

At Seafield School of English, we have a Career Services team dedicated to helping you find employment or a career pathway. Please visit our Careers Services Page for more information.
Students studying General English can apply for a one-week holiday if they are enrolled more than 16 weeks and two weeks holiday if they are enrolled for more than 24 weeks. Your visa must be valid until the end of the course.
Call your General Practitioner. For a list of medical services near you check out If you need any assistance, please contact Student Support and we can help you explore your best options.
Your online learning takes a lot of commitment, dedication and planning from you and your family who is supporting your learning. We recommend you coordinate with your family members and plan your grocery shopping outside of your timetabled online classes. Please be mindful that your attendance is monitored you are required to be online during the normal timetable hours.

Under 18 International Students

What do I need to do if I am under 18 years of age and wish to study with Seafield?

If you are under 18 years of age your parent/s or legal guardian/s will be required to sign all agreements in relation to your study with us in New Zealand, giving you permission to do so, starting with your application form.

Your parent/s or legal guardian/s OR they can nominate your legal guardian who needs to be a permanent resident or citizen of New Zealand who will be responsible for your wellbeing and the school’s contact for regular updates and to discuss any related matters.

Should you wish to book accommodation with the school we will undertake to do so and book your accommodation through our authorised homestay provider. We will visit the premises and conduct a due diligence examination to make sure it meets the requirements for your comfort and safety. Your homestay parent will be your designated caregiver.

If you are under 18 years of age at the end of your programme of study or course, your parent/s or legal guardian/s will be required to provide a written confirmation providing details of your handover care.

Your parent/s or legal guardian/s are welcome to attend orientation with you. Please ensure they sign all related paper work involved in the orientation process.

Your parent/s or legal guardian/s will be required to sign a field trip form granting you permission to attend a school trip or outing.

You must book your homestay before you arrive to New Zealand. Seafield can help our under 18 students arrange their homestay. Please feel free to ask for the required homestay application form when submitting your student registration/application form. With the consent of your parents/legal guardians, we can process the booking further. Moreover, airport transfer service is also available upon your request.

Your online learning takes a lot of commitment, dedication and planning from you and your family who is supporting your learning. We recommend you coordinate with your family members and plan your grocery shopping outside of your timetabled online classes. Please be mindful that your attendance is monitored you are required to be online during the normal timetable hours.

You will have an individual meeting with the student support advisor in the first week starting your studies. Our friendly support staff will help you to settle into your new environment and will be available to answer any questions or queries you may have.
Generally, students are expected to be home in time for the family meal which is usually around 7.00 pm. The host family may give guidelines on what time the student should come home, and the student must follow these regulations.
It is against New Zealand law for a person under 18 years of age to purchase alcohol or to enter licensed premises.
If you turn 18 while you are enrolled in the programme, you will continue with your studies as usual. You will not however, be required to abide by some of the regulations and formalities applicable to students under 18 years of age.
If you turn 18 while you are enrolled in the programme, you will continue with your studies as usual. You will not however, be required to abide by some of the regulations and formalities applicable to students under 18 years of age.
You will need to stay with our authorised homestay provider who we have booked for you in consultation with your legal guardian till you turn 18. This requirement applies to weekends, holidays and vacation periods.

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Seafield provides a student-centered approach to your learning and full support to your life as a student. Request information here:

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Seafield provides a student-centered approach to your learning, offering full support for your life as a student. Download our brochure here:

I need someone who speaks my language

Seafield provides student-centered learning and support from staff who speak your language. Request info here: