Privacy Policy
1. Purpose
This privacy policy aims to give you information on how we New Zealand Skills and Education Group – the Parent Group that operates the NZQA Accredited entities of New Zealand Skills and Education College (NZSE College) and Seafield School of English – collect and process your personal information through the use of our website and third party systems. This policy is to establish procedures and guidelines for:
- The collection, use and disclosure of personal information by NZSEG; and
- Access by individuals to Personal Information held by NZSEG.
2. Policy
The procedures for the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information and the access to and correction of, Personal Information and the use of unique identifiers must comply with the Principles of Privacy Act 1993.
NZSEG will appoint Privacy Officers for staff and students respectively, with responsibilities for NZSEG compliance with these principles, and to deal with requests for access. All requests made under the Official Information Act 1982 are deemed to be a request made pursuant to with section 1(b) of Principle 6 of the Privacy Act 1993.
NZSEG will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) if you are located in the European Union.
3. Definitions
Employee: means an individual employed by NZSEG (including through its affiliate organisations*) and, for the purposes of this Policy extends to current and past employees of NZSEG.
Personal Information: means information about an identifiable individual. The fact that person is employed by NZSEG in a particular position, and his or her name is a matter of public record and not information subject to the requirements of this Policy.
Student: means a person who has applied to enrol, or a person who is currently enrolled with NZSEG through its affiliate organisations (NZSE, IPD and Seafield).
*NZSEG reserves the right to change, develop, alter, merge or create businesses or organisations under its Parent Company.
4. Scope
All Employees, Students and people and organisations who are contracted to work at NZSEG (including through its affiliate organisations*).
*NZSEG reserves the right to change, develop, alter, merge or create businesses or organisations under its Parent Company.
5. Relevant Legislation
6. Legal Compliance
NZSEG is an organisation subject to the Official Information Act 1982. Accordingly, NZSEG must comply with that legislation in dealing with requests for information.
NZSEG is an Agency for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993. Accordingly, NZSEG must comply with that legislation in relation to Personal Information held by NZSEG.
NZSEG must comply with the GDPR when dealing with personal data subjects residing in the European Union. NZSEG (includes its affiliate organisations*).
*NZSEG reserves the right to change, develop, alter, merge or create businesses or organisations under its Parent Company.
7. Related Procedures/Documents
- Procedure for the Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information (referred to as Procedures in this Policy)
- Recruitment and Appointment of Staff
- Equal Employment Opportunities
- Health and Safety
- Allied Staff Grading and Promotion
- Academic Promotions
8. Responsibility
NZSEG (NZSE College and Seafield School of English) Policy on collection and use of students' personal information
NZSEG and its affiliate organisations will collect, use and store personal information relating to students with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993. Where practicable such personal information is obtained directly from students, or from their nominated agent(s). Additionally, information may be obtained or verified through relevant government or education agencies.
Staff members and other personnel within NZSEG or within agencies under contract to NZSEG will have access to students’ personal information for purposes relevant to normal school operations including but not limited to: admission, enrolment, study, academic progress, fees and charges, establishing and maintaining academic and graduation records, assessment, academic agreements (exchange/study abroad partners, scholarship providers or sponsors, programme delivery partners), academic advice and learning support, student services, discipline, security and safety, Library and IT services, managing students’ association(s) membership and records, managing records of graduates, and other alumni, and managing and improving the quality of services provided by NZSEG and its affiliate organisations.
In order to conduct its proper business and as required under the Education Act 1989 and other laws, regulations, and contractual agreements by which it is bound, NZSEG may use the student information it holds and may disclose information to external agencies such as government departments, bodies responsible for course moderation and professional accreditation or membership, agencies for financial support and pastoral care, and student and alumni associations.
Such agencies include but are not limited to:
- Ministry of Education (MOE)
- New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)
- Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)
- Industry Training Organisations (ITO)
- Ministry of Social Development
- Inland Revenue Department (IRD)
- Immigration NZ (for those students who are not NZ citizens)
- Department of Immigration and Agencies who support students through scholarships and prizes, payment of fees or other awards (if you are a recipient of one of these awards) and employers.
- New Zealand Police, Department of Justice
- Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)